المقاومة المنظمة الهادئة المصرة
المقاومة المنظمة الهادئة المصرة
د. مازن قمصية
المشروع الصهيوني مخطط لها بعناية وبعلم. ثيودور هيرتزل كتب عام 1897 أن الدولة اليهودية ستتحقق "عن طريق كل وسيلة حديثة." وكما ذكر الأجندة تشمل إزالة السكان الأصليين مع أو من دون اتفاق من بعض العرب وإقامة دولة يهودية كبيرة. هرتزل لم يُحدد حجم "العقار المطلوب" للدولة لكن بن غوريون وآخرين قالوا أنها من الممكن أن تكون "ما بين النيل والفرات." بن غوريون وصف لابنه في عام 1937 كيف أن دولة إسرائيل الجديدة عند تأسيسها على جزء من أرضنا ستكون قاعدة للتوسع والنمو في المستقبل "مع أو من دون اتفاق من العرب". وبالفعل تطور ألاستيطان بدون اتفاقات مع عرب وأيضا (ربما تسارع) مع ألاتفاقات المبرمة: مع الحكومة العثمانية في 1878 ومع راغب النشاشيبي 1937 ومع الملك عبد الله 1947 ومع من وقعوا على معاهدة أوسلو 1993 واتفاق الخليل 1997. هذا ليس جديدا للحركات ألاستعمارية. بعض الأميركيون الأصليون وقعوا معاهدات لا تحصى عبر 200 عام مع حكومة الولايات المتحدة في مرحلتها التوسعية. وانتُهكت جميعها وانتهى المطاف بهم في كانتونات ((Reservations. حصل هذا أيضا بفضل فكرة زرعها ألاستعمار في عقول الجميع وهي أهمية الفصل العنصري وعدم جدوى المقاومة. بالقابل نظمت حركة المقاومة في فيتنام الشعب عبر عقود ليقبل التضحيات ويساعد الناس بعضهم بعضا.
لتحرير أجسادنا يجب أن نحرر عقولنا وهنا لا يمكن النجاح بناء على قواعد اللعبة ألإسرائيلية. احتياجات ورغبات المستعمرين لا يمكن تلبيتها من قبل شعب مُحتل. المحتلين والمستعمرين يريدون مزيدا من الفرص للتقدم عن طريق توطيد وتعزيز الوضع الراهن والسماح لهم للمزيد من التوسع. نحن الشعب المٌحتَل نريد وقف وعكس ذلك. السلام لنا هو الحصول على الحرية والعيش بكرامة. نريد العودة إلى بيوتنا وأراضينا والعيش بسلام كما فعلنا لآلاف السنين. نحن نصر على العودة وتقرير المصير. نحن نصر على أن البلاد يجب أن تبقى متعددة الأعراق، متعددة الديانات، ومتعددة الثقافات. مثل النضال في جنوب إفريقيا في ظل الفصل العنصري هذا ليس نزاعا على الحدود ولا يمكن حله بالتخلي عن حقوقنا. لكن أيضا لن نحصل على أي من حقوقنا باستجداء إسرائيل أو المجتمع الدولي. الطريقة واضحة وهي العمل والتضحية. هنالك هيكل منهجي مخطط له ومن الواضح أنه مع البطولات والتضحيات الملهمة التي نجحت بإفشال مخططات صهيونية كثيرة وتعطيل برامج أخرى فلا زال البرنامج الصهيوني قائما.
أعمال متفرقة من المقاومة الشعبية البطولية ليست كافية ويجب تنسيق وعمل مشترك. ما يعوق ذلك هو نظام وضعه المحتل ووافق عليه بعض من شعبنا كما وافق من قبلهم بعض قيادات الهنود الحمر. المحتل طور ألأمور ونشر فكرة أن خياراتنا هي بين سجن خفيف وسجن أصعب. هنا دخلت المفهومات الخاطئة عن "الواقعية". بدأ الانزلاق نحو "الواقعية" مع برنامج النقاط العشرة عام 1974. وبات واضحا ألآن لكل فلسطيني شارك أو ساعد في مسار أوسلو أن النتيجة كانت تقوية الاحتلال ومضاعفة ألاستعمار. هذا الاحتلال هو ألآن الأكثر ربحا في تاريخ البشرية (عدة مليارات من الدولارات تتدفق سنويا إلى خزائن إسرائيل نتيجة لهذا الاحتلال). ويجري تنفيذ صفقات تجارية إسرائيلية وفلسطينية على سبيل المثال في المنطقة (ج). وهذه هي "خطة السلام الاقتصادي" لنتنياهو. ويتم التحقيق مع ومعاقبة الأشخاص الذين قد يفكروا في تعطيل الوضع الراهن. لكن من الواضح أن الوضع الراهن مدمر بالنسبة لنا ولا يمكن أن يستمر. القيادة الحكيمة تنشأ عضويا من ناس تريدها ولا تسكت. لا ينبغي أن نتردد في الضغط على قادتنا الحاليين وإذا لم يستجيبوا فخلق قيادة بديلة تستجيب لتطلعات الشعب وتضحياته. اعتقد أن على كل الذين يحمون راتب أو موقف أن يفكروا في أطفالهم أو أحفادهم وكيف يعيشون في ظل نظام للعنصرية والاضطهاد لن يتوقف أبدا بدون هزيمة.
هل حان الوقت للتغيير وخاصة بعد فشل مسار "حل الدولتين"؟ هل حان الوقت لجمع شملنا كشعب من مناطق 1948 من الضفة الغربية وغزة والمنفى و إيجاد آليات وهياكل تأخذنا إلى ألأمام ليس بعاطفية بل بمخطط وترتيبات؟ لماذا لا يتحرك المثقفين الفلسطينيين لضمان وجود مخططات وطرق منظمة لتجنيد الطاقات المتوفرة والكامنة؟ هل يمكننا إقناع العالم والإسرائيليين أننا جادون في العمل من أجل مستقبل من السلام والعدالة والرخاء للجميع؟ يجب أن لا تهيمن أصوات سلبية على هذه المرحلة الحرجة. يجب أن يكون الحوار مفتوحا أمام ذوي النوايا الحسنة من جميع الفصائل والمستقلين. . لدينا الموارد المالية والفكرية والعاطفية والجسدية فلا ينقصنا إلا ألإرادة الجماعية للتغيير. هل نستطيع تجنيد 5٪ أو حتى 1٪ من الفلسطينيين في مختلف أنحاء العالم للمشاركة في جهد منظم؟.
العالم اليوم لا يحترم إلا أولئك الذين يحترمون أنفسهم. ليس لدينا ما نخجل منه بل لدينا الكثير لنكون فخورين به من تاريخنا (أنظر كتابي "المقاومة الشعبية في فلسطين: تاريخ حافل بالأمل والتقوية" والذي يسرد قصة 130 عام من النضال). الأزمة في فلسطين على ضمير العالم ورغم مشاكل الثورات العربية فالتغيير قادم لا محالة. حتى لو فشلنا في تحقيق هدفنا هذا الوقت فإن أي روح إيجابية وحركة شعبية من شأنها التغيير (لنتذكر نجاح الحركة ألأسيرة). نعرف من دراسة التاريخ أن من الممكن إطلاق العنان للإبداع والطاقة وأنه ليس هنالك المستحيل عندما تكون هنالك إرادة شعبية. يجب أن يحدث هذا لأن صراعنا هو صراع وجودي ل 11.5 ملايين فلسطيني في العالم ولمستقبل أبنائنا وأحفادنا الذين ولدوا أو لم يولدوا بعد. كل واحد منا لديه دور يلعبه ولديها المهارات والموارد الأخرى للمساهمة.
بات واضحا من انتصار الأسرى الفلسطينيون وما سبقها من انتصارات أن المقاومة المنظمة الهادئة المصرة هي الطريقة الوحيدة للدفاع عن الحقوق في ظل ألاستعمار والتخاذل العالمي والعربي وحتى الفلسطيني. الشهداء والجرحى والأسرى مهدوا لنا الطريق لنبذ الخلافات والتضحية والمسيرة للحرية. فلنترك الرصيف والتأمل ولنمشي سويا على الطريق.
د. مازن قمصية
لميس اندوني--حياتهم في أعناقنا
معركة الأسرى هي فرصتنا للمشاركة في مواجهة بطولية وضرورية,
الحكومة الجديدة والبدائل والأسرى
The History of International Women’s Day
The History of International Women’s Day
Today is International Women’s Day. Around the world women will be celebrated through rallies, political action, and gifts.
To celebrate both International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month here is a timeline showing a bit of the history of International Women’s Day:
1857- New York Lower East Side Female textile/garment workers staged a protest against 12 hour work days and poor working conditions. For female trade union members this began International Women’s Day (IWD).
1909-The first National Woman’s Day occurred on February 28th in the United States.
1910- The Copenhagen Initiative established a Women’s Day to honor the fight for women’s rights and universal suffrage. The day was approved unanimously by over 100 women from 17 countries. No fixed date had been chosen yet though.
1911-Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland held rallies for International Women’s Day for the first on March 19th.
1914-International Women’s Day became part of anti-war movement during World War I. Russian women observed their country’s first IWD on the last Sunday of February. Other places in Europe celebrated around March 8th by holding rallies and/or protesting the war.
1917-Again Russian women protested on IWD and four days later the Czar stepped down and the provisional government gave women the right to vote.
1975-was designated as ‘International Women’s Year‘ by the United Nations.
1978-The Education Task Force of Sonoma County in California began “Women’s History Week.” It was purposely chosen to occur along with IWD.
1987-A Congressional resolution made March Women’s History Month nationally.
Today- IWD continues to have its political roots, but is also a day to just take a moment to recognize and pay respect to the women in our lives.
IWD is now an official holiday in China, Angola, Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and many other countries.
To find an event or more information about International Women’s Day visit http://www. internationalwomensday.com/
Happy International Women’s Day
Women’s Day is a day of solidarity with the administrative detainee Hana Al-Shalabi by Janan Abdu
Women’s Day is a day of solidarity with the administrative detainee Hana Al-Shalabi by Janan Abdu
A call for women’s and feminist organizations to announce Women’s Day to be a day of solidarity with the administrative detainee Hana Al-Shalabi and all female prisoners and women in the families of Palestinian prisoners .
Women’s Day, which marks the eighth of March, is a symbolic day to remind us of the struggle that women of the world go through to break the chains of sexism because they are women.
However, there are different categories of women, whilst some women struggled for liberation and equality – for example against discrimination in terms of the right to vote and be elected, women were sexist towards women of other ethnic groups or on the basis of gender and race. There are debates and fundamental differences in how to deal with certain issues between the masses of women by the intellectual and ideological affiliation to different streams and sometimes contradictory or conflicting.
However, there are different categories of women, whilst some women struggled for liberation and equality – for example against discrimination in terms of the right to vote and be elected, women were sexist towards women of other ethnic groups or on the basis of gender and race. There are debates and fundamental differences in how to deal with certain issues between the masses of women by the intellectual and ideological affiliation to different streams and sometimes contradictory or conflicting.
In Palestine, Women’s Day is a day of struggle. Despite the achievements of some significant things, were achieved as a result of long paths of struggle, we shouldn’t celebrate yet, we are still Palestinian women, whether in Palestine 1948 or in the West Bank and Gaza or the Diaspora suffering from colonialism, occupation, discrimination and racism. Women of the West Bank and Gaza Strip suffer from the consequences of the occupation, and in Palestine 1948, we suffer from racism institutionalized in the laws and the fact that the state is the state of Israel, the state is built on our land and tore our families apart.
Palestinian women suffered the most from the occupation and the establishment of the Jewish state. They experienced the migration, separation, and non-settlement in neighbouring countries, they continue to live in risk of institutionalized discrimination, the risk of local displacement and uprooting, as in Negev, and continue to live at risk of having their families torn apart by the law of racial citizenship…
Our women have suffered of captivity in the past during the Mandate period, and have suffered from emergency laws used by the British Mandate also from and administrative detention.
For example, the arrest of Palestinian activist Sathej Nassar, the Editor of “Carmel” magazine, and wife of Najib Nassar the activist, she was arrested under administrative detention for a year without providing an indictment against her; she was called a “very dangerous woman.” She was arrested on 23/03/1939, according to Emergency Law No. 15 B, which permits administrative detention, and was imprisoned in Bethlehem until 23/02/1940, and this was the first arrest and imprisonment of a Political Palestinian woman.
The Mandate government arrested many women and put them in prison for years up to seven to ten years for hiding or smuggling arms, and this happened during the general strike and the great revolution in 1936. In 1937, the feminist activist Maseel Maghanam wrote a book in English titled: “The Arab Woman and the Palestine Problem”: “do not talk about women’s rights as long as we under occupation.” She meant that they needed complete liberation of the entire system of occupation that suppress freedoms and initiate violence.
In the case of Palestinian women, the Jewish state helped in the continuing violence and the killing of women and even the failure to provide awareness and prevention, and even have the upper hand in the harsh living conditions experienced by Palestinian families (e.g. unemployment, poverty, displacement and home demolition, which can be one of the factors that cause some types of violence against women). Palestinian women still pay the price, and suffer from the occupation and its consequences; the Separation Barrier dismembered families and hindered human family communication.
Our women pay the price in captivity, detention, investigation and insults, and pay the price of the longest-lived Israeli occupation and colonialism, after the end of the apartheid system in South Africa.
Women and young girls pay the price of their family members’ captivity, and suffer discrimination in prison against them and their families because of the policies of prison administration, which prevent any contact between the political prisoners and their family, which isn’t the case for the political Jewish prisoners or for Arab or Jewish criminals. They don’t allow the Palestinian captive to hug his family, even in the most difficult moments, as cases of death.
Palestinian detainee Hana Al-Shalabi announced that she is on hunger strike to protest against her administrative arrest again after she was released in “Wafaa Al-Ahrar” deal in October 2011.
Administrative detention is arresting the person without being presented for any trial and without providing an indictment. There are 307 administrative detainees in Israeli prisons, including 3 women, and the total number of women detainees is 6 to date after the majority were released in the latest deal.
Let’s announce the eighth of March, a day of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, to unite frameworks and women’s movements behind this cause.
Nabi Saleh 09.07.2011
Such a Massive , Bloody and Aggressive response from the Israeli Occupation Forces shows the power and the success of the Palestinian Popular Resistance Movement
The struggle continues in and out of "detention facilities"
Below is the press release we issued today and below it is a letter from a Palestinian woman to the solidarity activists. We have been up with little sleep over the past 4 days. Each day required dealing with hundreds of issues and overcoming many obstacles. Today for example with three events (Beit Sahour, Aida then Checkpoint 300, and Al-Walaja) required dealing with a lot of obstacles including a number of friction points with the Israeli army and attempting to get around their blocks. But the one image that sticks in my mind is the sight of the children at Aida Refugee Camp playing in front of Al-Rowwad center with the international volunteers. The sight was priceless.
As Israel tried to keep people apart and disconnected, our human bonds grew amazingly stronger and Israel was exposed for what it really is. Humanity won, Zionism lost. Tomorrow (Monday), the family of Rachel Corrie (a young solidarity activist who was murdered by Israeli troops will hold a press conference in Jerusalem. See http://rachelcorriefoundation. org/blog/2011/07/10/corrie- family-and-legal-team-to-hold- press-conference-monday-july- 11-at-american-colony-hotel- jerusalem I hope a lot of people attend it and highlight the issues of Israel harassing, jailing, attacking and killing solidarity activists.
The words of Vittorio kept flashing through my mind all day: stay human. The last few days, humanity shone and had to rise-up to the challenge of facing inhumanity, repression, and fascism. Stay human indeed.
“Welcome to Palestine” Press Release #5
Israeli authorities set stringent conditions for release of "Welcome to Palestine" prisoners. The large majority of international visitors are still incarcerated under brutal conditions, begin a hunger strike in Israeli jail
Bethlehem, July 10, 2011. Over 120 internationals attempting to visit Palestine were arrested and are still being illegally detained in two Israeli detention centers, in Ramle and in Beer Al-Saba’ (Beersheva). These friends of Palestine, among which there are minors and elderly persons with medical conditions, have been and are being mistreated and subjected to unnecessary brutality.
For example, Dr. Hikmat Al-Sabty, 57, of Rostock, Germany, is being denied needed medication that is in his suitcase; this was reported to his wife by the German Embassy in Tel Aviv, but his wife has not been allowed to speak with him directly. All of those detained have stated repeatedly that they are non-violent and want only to accept the invitation to visit together with Palestinian friends in the program "Welcome to Palestine."
The Israeli authorities released two older German men from prison yesterday, but only on condition that they sign an Israeli legal document that was presented to them only in Hebrew and English. One of the two men came to Bethlehem. He is uncertain of the full contents of the Israeli paper he signed because his English is not good, and he was unable to first consult with his attorney in Israel before signing the paper: the Israeli authorities yesterday made attorney access to prisoners very difficult, and large number of those detained can only be seen by their attorneys today and tomorrow.
The German man now in Palestine believes that he has agreed in writing not to go to Ramallah, Jenin, and certain other Palestinian cities, but that the Israeli authorities have allowed that he to go to "tourist" areas in the West Bank. Because he is still uncertain of the full content of the Israeli document he signed, he prefers not to give his name at this time. The Israeli authorities refused, in violation of international law, to give him a copy of the paper he signed. His attorney is seeking to obtain a copy of the document he signed from the Israeli authorities.
We received a letter from the Belgian group in Bersheeva prison, who state that they began a hunger strike last night. In the letter, the Belgians demand, on behalf of all the prisoners, to have contact their families and with their attorneys. They demand an international investigation into the behavior of airline companies and Israeli officials. They also demand to be able to have contact with each other in the Israeli prison. For example, because the French and Belgian men and women are separated in the prison, the men do not know whether the women are also aware of the hunger strike. It is believed that the French men have joined the hunger strike. According to the Germans who were released, the German men and women there are also participating in the hunger strike, but the men and women are not allowed to speak with each other.
Those few international guests who were able to reach Bethlehem on Friday were invited by their Palestinian hosts to go to either to a demonstration in Qalandia at noon or else to attend a gathering in Bilin at 11 am, from which they then joined Palestinian friends in NebiSaleh. There Israeli soldiers prevented the bus-loads of passengers and local Palestinians and Israeli supporters from holding a peaceful demonstration. The Israeli forces shot stun grenades and at least two kinds of tear gas canisters at them. The nearby agricultural fields were set ablaze by these tear-gas canisters. The Israeli forces illegally detained -- kidnapped -- four peace activists, including three Israeli citizens and one Brazilian. Several participants were injured.
Events planned continued. Today, there was a gathering in Beit Sahour in front of the Greek Orthodox Church, an event at Aida Refugee Camp and an event in Al-Walaja.
Media Contacts:
GENERAL: info@palestinejn.org
JERUSALEM: Sergio Yahni, sergioyahni@gmail.com, +972(0)526375032
BETHLEHEM: Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, mazin@qumsiyeh.org, +972(0)598939532
FRANCE: Nicolas Shahshahani, bienvenuepalestine@orange.fr
GERMANY: Sophia Deeg, sophia_deeg@yahoo.de, +49(0)88 007761,
UK: Sofiah MacLeod, secretary@scottishpsc.org.uk,+ 44(0)7931 200 36100,
International Media Coordination: Elsa Rassbach +49 (0) 30 326 01540 or +49 (0) 170 738 1450 Skype: elsarassbach
Please stay informed through our websites:
- http://palestinianspring. palestinejn.org
- http://welcometopalestinenews. blogspot.com/
- http://ahlanfefalasteen. blogspot.com/
- http:// bienvenueenpalestinepresse. blogspot.com/
- http://welcometopalestinenews.
- http://ahlanfefalasteen.
- http://
Netanyahu Panics When Folks Like Kathy Kelly Come to Visit Palestine by Sea or By Air
A letter from a Palestinian woman to the supporters of Palestine.
I would like to talk to you as the voice of the thousands of Palestinians who appreciate what you are doing. You who have a great commitment to human rights and who actually act upon your beliefs. You risk your life to both witness and tell the truth of what you see. You are a group of people who understand what is happening in the holy land and have decided to dedicate your time, money and energy to the issue. You demonstrate that religion nor race is important when it comes to standing up for the rights human beings. And every step you take justice and humanity wins.
I want you to trust that your actions are making a difference and changing the violence we see here in our land. Your solidarity is helping fuel our non violent fight. Palestinians face many kinds of violence and torture, however, being ignored is the worst punishment of all. Those who refuse to hear and see us are just as bad as those who occupy us. Those who stand in solidarity with us send a strong message of humanity and are helping us to overcome our suffering. In the middle of all this crisis, your help puts a smile on our face. From this smile you will always be welcome in our hearts even if you are unable to enter our land.
Your solidarity reminds the world that we are all one human family and that we Palestinians are still part of it. Please do not give up. Even if your boats do not make it to the shores of Gaza or if your planes refuse to fly, the unseen effects are still huge.
I want to say thank you for all that your work involves. Thank you for booking your tickets, taking time off from work, leaving your loved ones, and for all of the other small things, I am truly grateful.
Please continue to be with us, hand in hand, in our non-violent struggle. We need to reach the end of the path of occupation and your presence on this journey is crucial, we cannot make it alone.
I hope one day to share a coffee with you in my home or in yours, for when this day comes we will have reached our freedom.
Hekmat Bessiso
Gazan living in Ramallah
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
As pressure to end Israel's impunity mounts: Palestinian civil society calls for comprehensive military embargo on Israel
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As pressure to end Israel's impunity mounts: Palestinian civil society calls for comprehensive military embargo on Israel
Military Embargo Launch - Brazilian Consulate in Ramallah - July 8 2011 Military Embargo Launch - UN offices in Ramallah - July 8 2011 ------------ For Original call, Press Here For Original Press Release, Press Here For Background Paper, Press Here
"A comprehensive military embargo on Israel is long overdue. It would form a crucial step towards ending Israel's unlawful and criminal use of force against the Palestinian people and other peoples and states in the region, and it constitutes an effective, non-violent measure to pressure Israel to comply with its obligations under international law," reads the BNC embargo call. Palestinian activists with the Hirak Shababi youth movement are this morning gathering in front of the United Nations office in Ramallah to symbolically deliver the call and evidence of international military collusion with Israel. The call comes amidst mounting pressure to hold Israel accountable to international law, including from the Freedom Flotilla 2 and the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign of hundreds of activists due to arrive at Tel-Aviv airport today. Supporters of the military embargo call include Nobel Peace Prize winners Archbishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa), Mairead Maguire (Ireland), Betty Williams (Ireland) and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Argentina). Alternative Nobel Prize winners Walden Bello (Philippines) and Chico Whitaker (Brazil) and best-selling Canadian writer and journalist Naomi Klein have also supported the demands of the call. "I endorse this call for an arms embargo because we desire peace and justice for Palestinians and Israelis through non-violent ways," said Archbishop Tutu. Naomi Klein explained, "This much-deserved military embargo is a crucial step towards ending Israel's impunity." Civil society organizations representing millions of people from all across the globe, including trade union confederations such as the South African COSATU and the Brazilian CUT, anti-arms trade, justice and solidarity campaigns and networks, have announced their support for the military embargo call against Israel and the actions they intend to take to implement the campaign. The call has been released to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling confirming the illegality of Israel's West Bank apartheid Wall and the sixth anniversary of the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law. The BNC has today published a detailed legal and political analysis of international military relations with Israel and their impact. ------------------------------ FOR INTERVIEWS, MORE INFORMATION AND FOR PHOTOS OF RAMALLAH ACTION:media@bdsmovement.net In Palestine: 00970-598921821 NOTES FOR EDITORS: * Hi-res photos from the delivery of the demands today in Ramallah will be available on request from media@bdsmovement.net * A copy of the full call to action by the BNC, and detailed background paper on the arms trade with Israel will be available Friday afternoon at www.bdsmovement.net or emailmedia@bdsmovement.net * A background document published today by the BNC argues that military cooperation with Israel is a key form of international complicity with Israeli violations of international law. In 2010, approximately 80% of Israel's military production output was exported, and exports by Israeli arms companies totaled $7.2bn. From 2000 to 2009, the United States gave to Israel $24.1bn in military aid. Using this public money, the United States delivered weapons and related equipment valued at $18.9bn during the same period. From 2003 to 2008, European Union member states approved licenses worth over 1 billion euros in arms sales to Israel. Brazil's major programs signed with Israel total close to one billion US dollars. Furthermore, Israeli arms industry is increasingly buying Brazilian arms industry corporations and forging joint ventures and strategic relationships. |
على القدس رايحيين نحييها بالملايين
على القدس رايحيين نحييها بالملايين
قبل 44 عاماً سلبت كرامتنا الفلسطينية مرةً أخرى و هجرنا من بيوتنا واراضينا من قبل العدو الصهيوني...
و في تاريخ ١٩٦٧/٦/٥ احتلت عاصمتنا، عاصمة العرب وفلسطين و فقدت القدس عروبتها...
قبل 44 عاماً، طردنا من الجولان، وسيناء، والضفة والقطاع...
في تاريخ ٢٠١١/٦/٥ نناشد كل فلسطيني صادق، مؤمن بقضيته العادلة وحقه المشروع...
لنتوجه متسلحينً بروحنا التحررية العالية للصلاة ولإسترجاع القدس ولنتوجه جميعا دفاعاً عن الحرية، العدالة و الكرامة الفلسطينية...قبل 44 عاماً سلبت كرامتنا الفلسطينية مرةً أخرى و هجرنا من بيوتنا واراضينا من قبل العدو الصهيوني...
و في تاريخ ١٩٦٧/٦/٥ احتلت عاصمتنا، عاصمة العرب وفلسطين و فقدت القدس عروبتها...
قبل 44 عاماً، طردنا من الجولان، وسيناء، والضفة والقطاع...
في تاريخ ٢٠١١/٦/٥ نناشد كل فلسطيني صادق، مؤمن بقضيته العادلة وحقه المشروع...
سنصلي سوياً، مسلمين ومسيحيين، أمام حاجز قلنديا يوم الأحد ٢٠١١/٦/٥ الساعة الحادية عشر صباحاً و لنبدأ مسيرة العودة إلى ارضنا...إلى القدس...إلى الاقصى و القيامة...إلى عاصمة الحضارة
سنتحدى العدو المستوطن بإرادتنا الفلسطينية الجبارة... فهل من متحدي؟
القدس لنا...وإنا لها عائدون
عاشت فلسطين حرة كابنائها و بناتها
March to Jerusalem
Forty four years ago our dignity was stripped away from us again
On June 5th 1967 our homeland was occupied
Forty four years ago we were ethnically cleansed from our land
On June 5th 2011 we call upon all free men and women to march to Jerusalem
Let us march with our heads held high, shielded by the strength of our free spirits, to pray and in pursuit of freedom, justice and dignity
We shall march towards the homes we were ethnically cleansed from... towards freedom...Towards Jerusalem!
Let us practice our legitimate right to pray in our mosques and churches in Jerusalem
We shall pray together as one, Muslims & Christians, and challenge the oppression of the Israeli military with our flesh
Join us at the Qalandia checkpoint at 11AM on June 5th, 2011
Our souls and soles will be marching on
To Jerusalem...We Shall Return, May Palestine One Day be Free, Like the Spirits of her Children
Action for new one-state initiative
Please consider joining this action call and forward to those who you think might join (Israelis and Palestinians). Mazin
Many people of good faith yearn for a future that is a joint democratic pluralistic state that encompasses all of the historic land of Palestine (currently the political entities of the apartheid State of Israel and the post-1967 Israeli occupied Palestinian Territories). It is time to put our beliefs into practice by bringing together all these people to effect the needed transformation socially and politically. We call on you to join us to formulate all the needed mechanisms for this transformation. We are seeking local and international legal experts to draft a constitution for our joint future state and we are seeking activists with other skills (media, lobbying, civil disobedience etc) to translate the vision into reality. In our joint future state, Palestinian Refugees will have the right to return to their homes and lands and to receive reparation for their suffering as supported by UNGA resolution 194. Return and self-determination are key pillars of peace based on justice. The validity of all actual laws and policies will be subject to this constitution with a bill of rights. This constitution is founded on the critical principle that all people who live in historic Palestine as well as Palestinians who will realise their inalienable right of return will have an effective equality of citizenship and will enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Substantively and procedurally, the constitution and structures to effect the needed transformation will be modified and adopted only via democratically structured institutions and, in this vein, we support efforts to reconstitute the Palestine National Council on democratic and representative foundations for all Palestinians regardless of where they currently live. The constitution will enable constant contestation of actual laws ensuring that structures of power never entrench themselves.
Equal citizenship will have the result that present apartheid-based laws will be abrogated and future social and economic rights will never again be attached to any patterned and structured identity test that necessarily results in discrimination, oppression and domination of those who do not pass it. We believe in popular resistance and an anti-Apartheid struggle to achieve our collective goals. We will build on the previous initiatives and conferences that focused on one state solutions. We urge the international community to support us in ending Israeli apartheid and achieving our goal of one democratic state via the use of Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) and all other means of pressure as articulated in the Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action 2005.
If you would like to join us, go to http://www.palestinejn.org/ component/content/article/47- ongoing/124-join-the-one- state-initiative . By signing, you agree to the use of your name and to the outline above and to help the effort. Organizations may also join this effort by sending the name of the organization, email address, physical address, phone number, and individual name of the person authorized to communicate with us on behalf of the organization toonestate@PalestineJN.org .
Names, affiliation
(Affiliation does not imply institutional endorsement, all signers in personal capacity)
Samir Abed-Rabbo (Dr.), ODS and Center for Advanced International Studies
Susan Abulhawa, Author
Ali Abunimah
Abdelfattah Abusrour (Dr.), Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Center, Aida Refugee Camp
Khalid Amayreh, writer, journalist and political commentator. Dura, Hebron
Naseer Aruri (Prof.), Emeritus (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Author of Dishonest Broker
Substantively and procedurally, the constitution and structures to effect the needed transformation will be modified and adopted only via democratically structured institutions and, in this vein, we support efforts to reconstitute the Palestine National Council on democratic and representative foundations for all Palestinians regardless of where they currently live. The constitution will enable constant contestation of actual laws ensuring that structures of power never entrench themselves.
Equal citizenship will have the result that present apartheid-based laws will be abrogated and future social and economic rights will never again be attached to any patterned and structured identity test that necessarily results in discrimination, oppression and domination of those who do not pass it. We believe in popular resistance and an anti-Apartheid struggle to achieve our collective goals. We will build on the previous initiatives and conferences that focused on one state solutions. We urge the international community to support us in ending Israeli apartheid and achieving our goal of one democratic state via the use of Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) and all other means of pressure as articulated in the Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action 2005.
If you would like to join us, go to http://www.palestinejn.org/
Names, affiliation
(Affiliation does not imply institutional endorsement, all signers in personal capacity)
Samir Abed-Rabbo (Dr.), ODS and Center for Advanced International Studies
Susan Abulhawa, Author
Ali Abunimah
Abdelfattah Abusrour (Dr.), Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Center, Aida Refugee Camp
Khalid Amayreh, writer, journalist and political commentator. Dura, Hebron
Naseer Aruri (Prof.), Emeritus (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Author of Dishonest Broker
Omar Barghouti, human rights activist
Ramzy Baroud, Author, Editor, The Palestine Chronicle
Oren Ben-Dor (Dr.), School of Law, University of Southampton, UK
George Bisharat, UC Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco
Haim Bresheeth (Prof.), BRICUP and University of East London
Eitan Bronstein
Shuki Cohen
Uri Davis (Prof.), Al-Quds University
Haidar Eid (Prof.), ODSG, Gaza
Jamil Fayez (Dr.)
Burhan Ghanayem (Dr.), Businessman and Philanthropist, Previously Researcher at NIH, North Carolina
Neta Golan, International Solidarity Movement
Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah (Dr.), School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Sami Jamil Jadallah, JD, Founder of United Palestinian Appeal
Hatim Kanaaneh (Dr.), Author of a "Doctor in Gallilee"
Ghada Karmi (Prof.), University of Exeter, Devon, UK
Lubna Masarwa, Activist and Community Organizer, Jerusalem
Nur Masalha (Prof.), SOAS, University of London, UK
Khalil Nakhleh, Ph.D., Independent Researcher and Author
Lois Nakhlah
Dorothy Naor (Dr.)
Susan Nathan, Author, The other Side of Israel
Ken O'Keefe, Irish, Hawaiian, and Palestinian citizenship
Allegra Pacheco, Advocate
Ilan Pappe (Prof.), University of Exeter
Mazin Qumsiyeh (Prof.) Bethlehem University
George N. Rishmawi, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement, Beit Sahour
Suleiman Sharkh (Dr.), University of Southampton, Chairman of the PSC Southampton Branch, Palestinian Refugee from Majdal Asqalan
Ramzy Baroud, Author, Editor, The Palestine Chronicle
Oren Ben-Dor (Dr.), School of Law, University of Southampton, UK
George Bisharat, UC Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco
Haim Bresheeth (Prof.), BRICUP and University of East London
Eitan Bronstein
Shuki Cohen
Uri Davis (Prof.), Al-Quds University
Haidar Eid (Prof.), ODSG, Gaza
Jamil Fayez (Dr.)
Burhan Ghanayem (Dr.), Businessman and Philanthropist, Previously Researcher at NIH, North Carolina
Neta Golan, International Solidarity Movement
Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah (Dr.), School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Sami Jamil Jadallah, JD, Founder of United Palestinian Appeal
Hatim Kanaaneh (Dr.), Author of a "Doctor in Gallilee"
Ghada Karmi (Prof.), University of Exeter, Devon, UK
Lubna Masarwa, Activist and Community Organizer, Jerusalem
Nur Masalha (Prof.), SOAS, University of London, UK
Khalil Nakhleh, Ph.D., Independent Researcher and Author
Lois Nakhlah
Dorothy Naor (Dr.)
Susan Nathan, Author, The other Side of Israel
Ken O'Keefe, Irish, Hawaiian, and Palestinian citizenship
Allegra Pacheco, Advocate
Ilan Pappe (Prof.), University of Exeter
Mazin Qumsiyeh (Prof.) Bethlehem University
George N. Rishmawi, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement, Beit Sahour
Suleiman Sharkh (Dr.), University of Southampton, Chairman of the PSC Southampton Branch, Palestinian Refugee from Majdal Asqalan
IOF Use Excessive Force against Demonstrations Commemorating the Palestinian Nakba; 143 Civilians Wounded, Including 47 Children
IOF Use Excessive Force against Demonstrations Commemorating the Palestinian Nakba; 143 Civilians Wounded, Including 47 Children, 5 Women and 3 Journalists, and a 1 Child Killed in Gaza
Following the longstanding policy of using excessive force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians, the Israeli forces used force to disperse demonstrators, who participated in peaceful demonstrations in the Gaza Strip and West Bank on the 63rd anniversary of Nakba – the uprooting the Palestinian people from the land in 1948 – on Sunday, 15 May 2011. As a result, 143 Palestinian civilians, including 47 children and 5 women, were wounded. In the Gaza Strip 105 people were wounded, including 31 children, 3 women and 3 journalists. In the West Bank 38 were wounded, including 16 children and 2 women. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) and calls upon the international community to immediately take action to compel the Israeli government to stop its crimes against Palestinian civilians.
In another attack in the evening, Israeli forces killed a mentally disabled child near the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Gaza City.
According to investigations conducted by PCHR, the incident occurred as follows:
The Gaza Strip:
- At approximately 10:30 on Sunday, 15 May 2011, dozens of Palestinians began gathering approximately 1700 meters South of Beit Hanoun (Erez), the northern crossing in the Gaza Strip. People had gathered to participate in the activities commemorating the 63rd anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba. At approximately 11:30, dozens of Palestinians headed towards the border fence near Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing. Ten minutes later, Israeli forces stationed at the border fired 4 arterially shells in the area where the Palestinians were gathered. Simultaneously, Israeli soldiers in watchtowers opened fire at the demonstrators. Israeli forces continued intermittently firing until evening, while helicopters hovered over the area also firing heavily at the area surrounding the demonstrators. Additionally, dozens of tear gas canisters and bombs which released a smoke were fired, causing fainting and neurological symptoms. As a result, 103 Palestinians were wounded and dozens suffered from gas inhalation. Thirteen (13) were transported to al-Awdah Hospital in Jabalya, 6 were transported to Balsam Hospital in Beit Hanoun, and 84 were transported to Martyr Kamal Odwan Hospital in Beit Lahia. The wounded included 31 children and 3 women.
Journalists were also wounded. They are:
1. Hussein Abdul Jawad Karsou', 36, from al-Thalathini Street in Gaza City. He works as a freelance journalist and cameraman for al-Shoroq Media Institution and also managing a page of Gazan News Agency on Facebook. He was wounded by a bullet to the left leg;
2. Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed Othman, 25, a freelance cameraman, from Sheikh Redwan neighborhood in Gaza City. He was wounded in the chest; and
3. Aasem Mohammed Shihadah, 25, a cameraman of the National Media Company. He suffered from suffocation due to firing bombs which released the toxic smoke.
Additionally, three members of the Palestine Red Crescent Society's (PRCS) medical staff suffered from suffocation and fainted: Ahmed Abu Foul, 30, Director of PRCS's volunteers; 'Atiyah Morad, 25; and Ramadan Hoso, 28.
- At approximately 15:00, Israeli forces stationed at the border fence, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire near dozens of Palestinians participating in a peaceful demonstration in the eastern part of 'Abasan village, located east of Khan Yunis. As a result, two Palestinians sustained moderate wounds and were transported to the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Yunis to receive medical treatment.
The West Bank:
- In Ramallah, at approximately 13:30, dozens of Palestinian civilians gathered at the entrance of Qalandya refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, and headed towards Qalandya checkpoint, which separates Ramallah from Jerusalem. The demonstrators threw stones and empty bottles towards Israeli soldiers, who had been heavily deployed near the checkpoint beginning in the early morning. Israeli forces immediately fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, 26 civilians, including 11 children and a woman, were wounded and were transported to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah to receive necessary medical treatment. Medical sources stated that the majority of injuries were in the upper parts of the body. Israeli forces, using undercover units, arrested 6 Palestinians; one of whom had been wounded in the head.
- In Hebron, Palestinian civilians organized peaceful demonstrations in central and southern Hebron, at the northern entrance of Hebron, and at the entrances of Beit Ummar, Bani N'eim, Zeef villages and the Fawwar refugee camp. As a result of clashes with Israeli forces, 12 civilians, including 5 children and a woman, were wounded. In addition, a number of civilians fainted from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises due to violent beating.
In another crime, Israeli forces killed a mentally disabled child yesterday evening near Nahal Oz crossing, east of Gaza City, by an artillery shell.
According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 16:30, Shifa Hospital received the body of Khamis Salah Mesleh Habeeb, 17, from al-Shuja'iya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City. In a statement to a PCHR field worker, Adham Abu Selmiyah, Spokesperson of the Emergency Department, said that they had received a phone call from residents of Nahal Oz area, who stated there was a body near the border fence. Coordination was made through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and an ambulance headed to the area where they recovered the body of Habeeb at a distance of 300 meters to the west of Nahal Oz crossing. The body was transported to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. According to forensic sources at Shifa Hospital, Habeeb was wounded by shrapnel in the chest and the head from an artillery shell fired at him. As a result of which he was killed immediately. It should be noted that Habeeb suffered from a mental disorder.
PCHR reiterates its condemnation of such crimes, and expresses utmost concern over them, and:
1. Stresses that using excessive force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians has been constituting a systematic policy of Israeli forces, which reflects the Israeli disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians; and
2. Calls upon the international community to immediately take an action to stop such crimes and reiterates its call for the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations under Article 1 which stipulates "the High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances," and their obligations under Article 146 which requires that the Contracting Parties prosecute persons alleged to commit grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention. These grave breaches constitute war crimes under Article 147 of the same Convention and under Protocol I Additional to Geneva Conventions.
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