1 comment:

khulud khamis said...

Hey Majd. I read your post, and was saddened to feel all the anger that's welling up in you.

Of course, I am angered, frustrated, enraged, what-not. But then I take a deep breath, and do the only thing I can. Because I know I have no other choice. I take my inspiration from grassroots feminist women's movements all over the world, all the way from Liberia to Mindanao, Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan, Senegal and DRC. I was very lucky to meet women from all these countries and to share my frustrations with them. But then, when all the anger and rage are spent, we still have one commitment. We have no other choice but to struggle for a better world. We might not be here to see it happen, but that doesn't get us off the hook.

I'm not saying we don't need the anger and the rage; it's an essential part of our struggle. But we need to transcend it.

Hugs from 3arus el-ba7r Haifa.